A Voice For Every Landowner

The Texas City Limits Coalition is a voice for every landowner. We serve as a platform for landowners to advocate on behalf of their property rights.

What We Believe

Texans who live or own property outside of a city’s limits in the Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) shouldn’t have to abide by that city’s policies. People residing in ETJ zones are controlled by laws that they have no right to vote on.

We believe every Texan should have a voice in their governance. Texans should have a say when a city’s rules and regulations affect them and their property.

texas landowner
landowner texas

Let’s Work Together

Join Our Partner Program

Want to know what makes us a great partner? The Texas City Limits Coalition was formed because we believe that every Texan should have a voice. There is strength in numbers and together our message will be spread to more Texans. Your organization’s name and goal will be pushed out to our members and heard in the halls of the government.

texas farm bureau
texas southwestern cattle raisers
texas public policy foundation
texas association builders logo
cobbs johns logo

Our Goal

To foster a platform for landowners’ voices to be heard, across the state of Texas, and advocate on their behalf for equal and fair participation in the elections that govern them.

Join Our Coalition.

landowner rights texas

Are You In An ETJ?

View our map of Texas and find out if you’re in an ETJ.
Not sure? Click here for assistance »
etj zone map texas small
etj zones support family

Get Involved

Looking to be a part of our mission? Here are a few ways to get involved.